27 junij 2011

Project overview - inital work

These first few entries will be large, because I will atempt to portray the work already done on the aircraft.
The restoration is taking a lot of time, since it is a classical example of a companies own project, that goes immediatly on the backburner as soon as commercial work comes along.
Here we go. First the aircraft was put on jacks and catalogued for systems, colours, fabric etc.
After that, the aircraft was stripped and the fabric was removed
The fuselage had some dark gray nitro based filler applied which was also stripped. The white line is a flox kind of filler, with which the transitions between sheets of fabric was faired in.

When removing the fabric, special attention was put on recording the fabir overlays and patterns, so we could lay the new fabric on the exact same lines and overlaps as original.

Most of the systems were stripped at this time. This is an area showing the left brake master cylinder and part of a system that enabled the instructor pilot to disable the brakes of the student pilot. Interesting way to prevent ground loops.

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