18 september 2011

Center section - the finish line

This blog entry will bring us up-to-date as far as the center section is concerned.
We left with the center section innards more or less complete, but the whole top sking waiting to be completed.
The first step was to profile the hardwood parts that form the inside of the sandwich, since some areas around the fuel tanks have double skins. So around the fuel tank feeder and fuel quantity indicator this middle hardwood sections was profiled and the skins prepared.

 After this, the bottom skin of the sandwich was glued on, so that the bottom could be carefully sealed and varnished. Note that all the top skins to be used later are already roughly prepared and varnished.
This is how the first-right skin went on. Notice we yet had to remove the staples.
A rare image of the glue applied to aft portion of the right top skin.
The finished result for the right side - now to repeat the thing on the left, but with a little more complexity added due to the fuel tank filler and indiciator holes.
Not to bore you with the process, as it is the same as seen above, here is the right side more or less finished. Note the lovely geometrical shape evident around the holes.
Now, there are some details left to be added. Like a strenghtening shear plate seen during curing below. Quite a big task will be fitting all fairings with their nutplates to the center section. For that, we will need to install it once more to the fuselage. So this will probably be the next blog entry. After that, fabric covering of the center section, and then it is about time to get some paint on this thing. Have fun till then!

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